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On this page we have compiled the most frequently asked questions and answers. If your question is not answered, we look forward to your inquiry via email.

  • What is Woonig?
    Woonig is the digital communication and interaction platform for residential and commercial use. We perfect communication between administrators, tenants, owners, caretakers and service providers across all channels.
  • Welche Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten bietet Woonig?
    Unter "Multi-Channel-Kommunikation" verstehen wir die kanalübergreifende Kommunikation mit Mietern/STW-Eigentümern, Kunden und Dienstleistern in der Immobilienverwaltung. Eingehend: Aufnehmen von Anliegen über verschiedene Kanäle Nehmen Sie Schadensmeldungen, Anträge, Anfragen und sonstige Anliegen über sechs unterschiedliche Kanäle auf. App Web-Portal Formula E-Mail Telefon (Bot) Sprachnachricht QR-Code Ausgehend: Kommunizieren Sie mit Ihren Bewohnern über deren bevorzugten Kanal App E-Mail eBoard Brief Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier
  • How do I communicate with tenants who don't have an app installed?
    With Woonig you communicate via a wide variety of channels. We have set ourselves the goal of ensuring 100% availability and managing all inquiries centrally. Inquiries via mobile app, web app, e-mail or web contact form - Woonig automatically generates the corresponding message from all channels.Incidentally, the same applies to wall messages. Woonig informs the tenants according to the selected channel (app, email, letter). You can find more information about the available communication channels here.
  • How can I customize the chat history in the tenant app?
    As an administrator you have the option via: Menu area > Settings > Message tree Customize chat history and the categories shown.
  • Can a tenant access documents (dossier)  without an app?
    YES! Tenants without an app can access their digital dossier via the web app and enter their login data.
  • Is the chat history the same for all tenants or is it individual depending on the equipment in the apartment?
    YES - various options can be selected via the configuration: a) Type-specific chat history (property, apartment, commercial, parking lot) > Based on the type, the Chat history controlled accordingly, same structure for all users. b) Object-specific chat history --> Based on the features of an object, the chat history is displayed individually for each user. c) Chat history specific to damage type --> Based on the damage type, further information is required from the user
  • Can I upload multiple documents at once?
    Yes - you can upload any number of documents, e.g. by drag & drop or by using the upload function
  • What is my notice period?
    Woonig follows the pay-per-use price model. I.e. we have no minimum contract period or similar and you only pay for as long as you use Woonig, say holding active objects.
  • Can Woonig also be used for commercial purposes?
    Yes. Woonig is designed for commercial and residential purposes. The extensive configuration options of Woonig also leave enough leeway to adapt the application to your needs - without development.
  • Can I see if a tenant saw the wall message?
    The circle of recipients for a wall message is displayed accordingly. It also shows which recipient is contacted via which communication channel. The adjacent check marks the delivery and receipt of the message.
  • Can I see through which channel the wall message is received?
    Yes. The circle of recipients for a wall message is displayed accordingly. It also shows which recipient is contacted via which communication channel. To do this, open the information button within the pinboard message. You can find more information about the available communication channels here.
  • How can I commission the service providers?
    Woonig integrates everyone involved on one platform. Obtaining offers and commissioning service providers is controlled via our reporting process. The service provider receives an e-mail with a link to the corresponding message. More information about service provider integration can be found here.
  • Will my data be treated in accordance with data protection regulations?
    Yes. Data protection is just as important to us as it is to you, which is why we take the issue seriously. We only use data that is relevant to the processing of a claim or request. This includes data that you provide when making a report and rudimentary master data (name, address, contact details) that were transmitted by your administration. If the account is deactivated, the personal data will be deleted from our system.
  • Wie kann ich mein Anliegen bei der Immobilienverwaltung absetzen?
    Mit Woonig können Sie Ihr Anliegen unkompliziert, mit wenigen Klick und über verschiedene Kanäle an Ihre Verwaltung absetzen. Über: Mobile-App, Telefon, E-Mail, Formular, Portal, Sprachnachricht
  • As a service provider, do I need a Woonig account for all employees?
    A login is not required. Service providers are efficiently and easily integrated into the process. You will receive all inquiries via email and web link. Alternatively, we also offer a service provider interface via our API.
  • Where is the data stored?
    Our customers can choose the location of the data storage themselves. In addition to Zurich, Frankfurt and London, we currently offer 12 other locations.
  • I use management software/ERP. Will Woonig replace my existing system?
    No! Woonig fits seamlessly into your existing system landscape. Your processes are supplemented, simplified and automated. We offer standardized interfaces for all common management software.
  • Do I have to manually maintain all master data on properties, rental properties, tenants in Woonig?"
    No! If you use management software, this is the leading system for master data. We transfer relevant master data from your administration software to Woonig via standardized interfaces and accept changes. Simple data import via CSV files is also possible.
  • What options do I have for exchanging the management software with Woonig?
    We offer various standard interfaces to management software providers as well as CSV export/import functions. With Woonig you can import and export all data via API.
  • The app stops during the update and does not load any further.
    Read here how to solve this problem.< /p>
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