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Woonig Funktionen zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse der Immobilienverwaltung.

The Woonig functions, tailored to the needs and requirements of property management.

Make internal processes more effective and integrate external participants into the processes in a playful way. For you, this means time and cost savings!

Thanks to support for various communication channels (multi-channel) and automatic translation, you can optimize communication and collaboration with your tenants, condominium owners and service providers.

No matter what you do will be lost and misunderstood communication will be a thing of the past.



Centralize all your property management processes. No more lost inquiries.

With the Woonig cockpit you have everything in view. From current concerns and messages to reporting and statistics. You can adapt the dashboard to your ideas and wishes.

Distributing news to your tenants & STW owners as well as providing documents digitally becomes child's play with Woonig.

Keep an eye on current reports, manage service providers, or view the history of past orders and reports. Complete and transparent overview of all processes in your property management.  

Woonig Cockpit

Als Bewirtschafter haben Sie nicht nur über das Woonig Cockpit alles im Blick, sondern können sich auch unterwegs um Ihr daily business kümmern.

Empfangen und bearbeiten Sie Anliegen strukturiert und flexibel via App, oder teilen Sie Aufgaben an Ihre Mitarbeiter zu.


✓ Anliegen aufnehmen

✓ Kommunikation mit allen Beteiligten

✓ Termine vereinbaren

✓ Dienstleister beauftragen

As a manager, you not only have everything in view via the Woonig Cockpit, but you can also take care of your daily business while on the go.

Receive and process requests in a structured and flexible manner via the app, or assign tasks to your employees.

Record concerns

Communication with all parties involved

Make appointments

Hire a service provider

and much more.

Woonig Manager-App

App für Immobilienbewirtschafter

We offer more than just a simple ticket system. "Smart ticketing" with Woonig means: the quick and central recording, processing and tracking of all concerns of your tenants and STW owners via various channels and in any language, as well as the full integration of service providers.

Digital condominium owners meeting

Woonig ermöglicht eine nahtlose und optimale Kommunikation zwischen allen Beteiligten in Ihrer Immobilienverwaltung. Durch die Nutzung verschiedener Kanäle und Benutzersprachen können Bewirtschafter, Mieter, STW-Eigentümer und Dienstleister barrierefrei miteinander kommunizieren.

Woonig enables seamless and optimal communication between all those involved in your property management. By using different channels and user languages, managers, tenants, property owners and service providers can communicate with each other without barriers.

Seamless communication

Reibungslose Kommunikation

From planning to the creation and submission of the agenda items, the online voting (eVoting) of individual agenda items, to the sending of the minutes.

Woonig enables you to organize your STWE meetings digitally quickly and easily and to conduct them in compliance with the law.

Digital STWE meeting

Von der Planung über die Erstellung und Hinterlegung der Traktanden, die Online-Abstimmung (eVoting) einzelner Traktanden, bis hin zum Versand des Protokolls.


Woonig ermöglicht Ihnen eine schnelle und unkomplizierte digitale Organisation sowie rechtskonforme Durchführung Ihrer STWE-Versammlungen.
Digitale STWE-Versammlung
Wir bieten eine schnelle und benutzerfreundliche Lösung zur Vermarktung Ihrer Immobilienobjekte.


Generieren Sie mit wenigen Klicks Immobilienbewertungen und erstellen/veröffentlichen Sie Inserate, selektieren Sie Bewerbungen und tauschen Sie Dokumente aus.

We offer a fast and user-friendly solution for marketing your real estate properties.

Generate property valuations and create/publish advertisements, select applications and exchange documents with just a few clicks.

Marketing of real estate

Place a QR code in the building, a residential or rental unit or in the Woonig E-Board.

The QR code can be easily generated and printed in Woonig.

Tenants and STW owners have the opportunity to report a concern by scanning the QR code.

No additional app or login is required!

Woonig QR-Code

Woonig QR Code


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Discover our Starter Package,

for a quick start to your digital property management


Share relevant information with residents via a maintenance-free eBoard directly in the property.

✓ Discreet, razor-sharp and maintenance-free

✓ Place in residential/rental property

✓ QR code for quick recording of concerns

Woonig eBoard


Would you like to discover all the features of our unique platform?

Then contact us now and book a free demo appointment.


Our service team will guide you live through our platform and identify the potential for your company.

Individual advice for you and your team

Adapted to your priorities

360 degree insight into our platform

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